What is the max flow and pressure that a Paxton blower can produce?
By utilizing a unique belt drive system that increases the blower speed by more than 5 times faster than the motor speed, we can produce pressures of up to 100” W.C. (slightly over 3.5 PSIG) and flows of up to 1500 CFM.
How many air delivery devices will a single blower operate?
This varies, depending on the application parameters (number of air knives/nozzles, length of air knives, gap setting, and system design pressure). Generally speaking, a system that has a system design pressure of 40” water column can operate up to a total effective length of 150” of air knives that have a .055” gap setting. Most systems consist of 2-5 air knives that are 24” in length or less. Applications that require higher pressures at similar gap settings will reduce the effective air knife length that the blower can operate.
How many times can I start and stop the blower? Can I cycle the blower or should I let it run constantly? Can I run the blower 24/7
Paxton recommends that if your application demands require that you cycle the blower (on and off) more than 6 cycles per hour that you incorporate a soft start system or a variable frequency drive into the motor circuit. This will reduce the initial startup torque that is present, especially in larger HP model when using a DOL (direct on line) starter.
How long does a typical Paxton blower last?
Paxton blowers are specifically engineered for your particular application, this allows for maximum performance and efficiency. With scheduled maintenance, Paxton blowers will last many years; some Paxton blowers have been in service over 10 years. If your blower does fail it is covered under our best in the industry 3-Year Warranty.
What is the most common blower issue you see?
One of the most common issues that we run into is that the installer neglects to check the direction of the motor during the initial startup and the blower is running in reverse. A blower that runs backwards will still produce pressure and flow but at a much lower rate. Some of the tell-tail signs are: belt chirping/squealing at startup, excessive belt dust near the pulleys and belt guard, belts lasting less than a few weeks, poor performance, excessively low current draws. This is remedied by simply swapping any 2 leads of the 3 phase connection to the motor (L1, L2, or L3).
Do you offer single phase blower options?
Yes, it is possible for Paxton to supply a single phase blower assembly, as a special order. Typically, it will add a few weeks to our delivery, and results in a slightly higher price. There is a practical limit to single phase motor, and motor availability plays a key role. Available power at the customer’s site is also very important. Single phase motors are approximately 10% less efficient than three phase motors, so operating costs are also higher.
For 115V/1/60Hz operation, motors are limited to:
1-1/2 Hp (8A), 2Hp(12A), or 3Hp (15A).
For 230V/1/60Hz operation, motors are limited to:
3Hp (13A), 5 Hp (20A), 10Hp (40A)
Paxton stocks three phase motors for all applications.
My blower squeals at startup, has black dust near the pulleys and is consuming belts. What's wrong?
At Paxton, the engineers call this a “belt chewer”. In this case there is a significant issue with how the belt drive is set up. The belt drive consists of a set of pulleys / sheaves (one on the motor, one on the blower head), a tensioner (AT Series Blowers), and a belt. This condition usually occurs after a significant change to the blower such as a motor change, a pulley change, or when a unit is disassembled for some reason. The belt in a Paxton blower can move at up to 150 feet per second, so it’s important that the units are set-up correctly. Call or e-mail us with your serial number, and we will get you the correct information to properly set-up the belt drive for your blower. Blower head and motor center to center distance are very important to keeping proper belt tension. Motor pulley depth is also very important. Make sure the blower is not running backwards, as that can cause tensioning problems. As long as you use a genuine Paxton belt, we haven’t met a “belt chewer” we couldn’t fix. If you are having trouble, please contact us, and we’ll take care of you.
How much maintenance does the blower require?
Like owning an automobile, regular visual checks maintenance can make your blower last for many years. Any time the blower is serviced, confirm the motor and blower direction of rotation as marked on the blower, plate and motor. A bad Idler/Tensioner will cause vibration, belt ware and bearing failure at the pulley side of the blower. A bad belt can cause vibration, dust and a heating problem at the pulley end of the blower. Poor filtration will affect the quality of the process air. It will cause a build-up of air borne material on the impeller and scroll clearance, thus creating bearing failure and lock up of the blower.
Where is the serial number located?
The serial number can be located in several locations on the blower system. The first location is stamped on the blower housing. The second location is stamped on the blower face above the pulley. The third location is stamped on the support bracket which connects the blower to the motor. The fourth place the serial number can be found is on the name place attached to belt guard. For a visual reference please see the photo.

If I need replacement parts, what is the availability?
All of our scheduled maintenance parts (Belts, Filters, Idler) are in stock and ready to ship. If you are in a line down situation and in need of a blower head, we can typically get one out the same day if the purchase order (PO) or payment is received before 11am EST. Most parts will ship within 3-5 days of the received PO or payment. Stainless Steel air knives do require a longer waiting period.
Can I buy bearings and make repairs to the blower head (rebuild) in the field?
No, Paxton blowers are not field-serviceable. Our blowers go through 4 precision balancing processes. If the blower is not precision balanced when rebuilt, there is a danger of the blower breaking apart and causing personal injury to anyone in the immediate area.
What is the average turn around to have a blower repaired?
A quote on the cost of the repair is sent to our customers within 48 hours after receiving the failed blower head. The standard lead time for the repair is 3-5 business days after receipt of the repair order.
Does Paxton offer installation services?
Yes, Paxton offers 2 variations of installation. The first option which is less expensive is supervision and assist with the install with a qualified Paxton installer. The second option would be a complete install with a qualified Paxton installer and production assistant. In both cases, all electrical wiring and controls must be completed before the installers arrive at your facility. For questions or more information on installation, please contact us.
How much time does an average system install take?
The average system including blower and air knives or manifolds should be able to be completed within an 8 hour shift. The line will need to be shut down for most systems installs. Multiple systems or multiple lines will take longer. There are no special tools required for installation and mounting equipment is provided (if purchased). The only item Paxton does not offer is the hard piping of the system (PVC Pipe) and electrical controls (Motor starter, controls, panels).
Are Paxton Industrial and Paxton Automotive the same company?
No, Paxton Industrial and Paxton Automotive are not the same company. Although Paxton Industrial was once part of Paxton Automotive, this changed when Illinois Tool Works (ITW) purchased Paxton Industrial in 2003. If you are looking for Paxton Automotive please call 1-888-972-9866.