Paxton belts are designed to reduce bearing loads - lengthening the life of your blower
PX- and AT-Series:
- Neoprene rubber reinforced with Aramide cord
- Aramide gives strength and reduces stretch to less than 1%
- Neoprene provides high grip, flexibility and long belt life
- Reduced stretch ensures the belt stays tight, extending belt life and minimizing downtime
- Small bend radius eliminates air gap with high speed belt drives
- Change at least annually to ensure peak performance
- Specially designed auto-tension belt requires no mechanical tensioner
- Reduces bearing loads, resulting in less load on the blower head bearings and significantly longer blower head life
- Non-Paxton belts will not work with the XT series blowers, as they will not stretch to the correct tension, resulting in costly blower damage
Be sure to have your blower serial number handy when you call to order belts.